How To Hire a Ghostwriting Service

About 83% of Potential Customers will look for a business’s web presence before visiting it. Having solid online content like blog posts is critical if you want to pique people’s interest and grow your business.

Hiring a ghostwriting service is a great way to ensure professional-sounding well-written content on your website. Read on to learn when and why you should hire a ghostwriter and how to choose the best available ghostwriting agency.

When Should You Hire a Ghostwriting Service?

If you’ve never heard of ghostwriting services before, you may be wondering: what is ghostwriting?

Ghostwriting is when a third party writes material for another individual or organization. In your situation, the ghostwriter will be producing content for your business. You will be the named author of the content that they create – the ghostwriter will be invisible, hence the term.

It’s important that you hire a ghostwriter as soon as you decide that it’s time to begin content marketing. Ghostwriters are professionals who can create expert-quality writing and build a knowledgeable and reputable brand voice for you. Letting them get started early means a more effective marketing campaign and a more reliable brand voice.

The Benefits of Using a Ghostwriter

Professionalism is one core benefit of using a ghostwriter. These experts don’t just know how to make content engaging and interesting. They also have impeccable spelling, grammar, structure, and hooks that keep people engaged throughout the entire content body.

Ghostwriters are also usually search engine optimization (SEO) experts. They can manipulate both your website and other areas of the net to make your page more appealing to search engine crawlers. High-volume keywords, quality external links, references/citations, and top-notch UX can ensure that your site ranks higher in Google so that you get visibility.

Hiring a ghostwriting service can also save you both time and money. You won’t need to painstakingly research the content that people want to see and create that content. This activity would take full work days that you could use to create business plans, meet with clients, and develop core products.

Hiring an in-house ghostwriter also is an expensive endeavor. You would need to give them not just some money but benefits, time off, and a higher salary than you would need to pay to outsource ghostwriting services. You also wouldn’t need to invest in training and onboarding – those who work at an outside ghostwriting agency are already well-trained and experienced.

How to Choose a Ghostwriting Agency

Deciding to hire a ghostwriter is a good first step toward getting top-notch content. However, not all ghostwriters were created equal. You’ll want to work with a reputable ghostwriting and web design agency rather than a random individual freelancer from Craigslist.

Luckily, making an informed decision is much easier when you break it down into a simple step-by-step process.

Step 1: Know Your Needs

Before hiring a ghostwriter, it’s important that you know the subjects you will write about. You will want to hire someone who has specific experience within your industry. If you know the precise topics that you want, that’s even better. You can choose someone who has successfully written about similar topics before.

It also is important that you know your budget and find a ghostwriting agency that falls within your means. You don’t want to spend your entire marketing budget on a ghostwriter. A comprehensive marketing strategy contains multiple channels including Google Ads, social media marketing, and video content as well as ghostwritten posts.

Step 2: Do Your Research

Do a bit of online research and look for ghostwriters that meet your specifications. Make sure that they operate both within your industry and service area. You can find writing companies by looking over online forums, checking out review sites like Yelp, and talking to other businesses within your market.

Step 3: Choose Someone With the Right Background

Different ghostwriters don’t just have different expertise areas. They also specialize in different forms of writing.

If you’re looking for someone to ghostwrite your home page, you will need a different professional than you would if you wanted someone to write blog posts. Those who ghostwrite multimedia content like infographics and short videos require an even more specialized skill set.

Make sure that you narrow your possibilities down to those who have previously done similar ghostwriting to what you need.

Step 4: Ask for Writing Samples

Asking for writing samples is critical because you can see what prospective hires can do. This is the time to make sure that a ghostwriter has the professional-quality writing and style that you’re paying for. It also is a chance to ensure that you’re hiring a native English speaker rather than outsourcing to a foreign country.

Any ghostwriting agency worth its salt will be happy to share some samples with you. Look over all of the samples. Decide which company is the best fit for your brand voice, tone, and desired blog post style.

Step 5: Test the Services and Ensure Adaptability

Rejecting a ghostwriter doesn’t necessarily mean that they are a bad writer. It can simply mean that you’re not a good fit. Someone who writes in a more formal tone may not work for a fashion company, whereas someone who sells software products may reject a talented but casual writer.

To figure out whether you and a provider are a good fit, you’ll need to test the service. See how adaptable they are from their writing samples, but ask them to create a mock post for you if they offer a free trial. If they don’t, buy the smallest possible package as a test.

Give them the specific instructions that matter to you. Make sure that they can adapt to your market, target audience, and intended tone. A versatile ghostwriter that meets your needs is key to branding.

Hire an Expert Ghost Writer Today

A ghostwriting service is essential for those who want to create top-notch content. Now that you know why this is and how you can choose a ghostwriter, it’s time to take your online content marketing strategy to the next level.

Underground is committed to helping you design a website and create a solid marketing and business strategy. Part of this is creating professionally-ghostwritten content for your website so that you can engage visitors right off the bat. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you with your next project.

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